Friday, June 01, 2012

Margaret Dornaus reviews Take Five, V4

Margaret Dornaus has reviewed Take Five, V4, on her blog, haikudoodle. Excerpt: Many of the tanka here, as Kei points out in the anthology’s introduction, express “sadness, loss and lament . . . . ” Last year–the year that the selected contributors’ poems were first published in numerous online and print journals–was marked by one of the worst natural (and nuclear) disasters mankind has experienced: the tsunami that brought so much devastation to Japan and its people. It is no surprise, then, that an undercurrent of shock and sorrow permeates the writing of many of the collection’s tanka; however, the following one–inspired by the news photograph of a young girl undergoing radiation detection in Fukushima–is especially testament to the short form’s power: so proud a girl on the front page– the camera watching her a radiation detector sweeping over her tiny body –Naoko Kishigami Selland Read the full review at: